Community Mapping and Crowdsourcing

Community mapping is a part of crowdsourcing and citizen science, one of what I consider to be 5 trends that are having a great impact on the field of Geographic Information Science:

  1.  Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science.
  2. Geo-Awareness.
  3. Geo-technologies.
  4. Geo-Enablement.
  5. Storytelling.

For an article based on these themes, see my article in Directions magazine.

Community Mapping.

Hopeworks ‘n Camden:

Arts Street Denver:

Esri Citizen Science resources: 

Mapillary:  Create street or trail views.  For example, my Mapillary of the trail up Blue Mountain California.

Snap2Map:  Create storymaps on your phone.

Example of a story map I made with Snap2Map.