My workshops and meetings at the 2024 Esri Education Summit

The gallery where all content is shared:

The SDCC and Marriott Map:

1  Solving Spatial Problems: Analysis in ArcGIS Online  SAT 13 JUL 1:00-2:00 PM Grand Ballroom 13

2     1430 – 1530 Sat 13 Jul:  Super Style your maps! Ballroom 13 The plan:  What and why use cartographic effects.   Activity 1 – wildfire:  Activity 2 – Patricha  Act 3 – viewshed:

(3)  1600-1700 Sat 13 Jul:  Enhancing Qualitative Social Science Research with GIS   Grand Ballroom 5   Briefing:   

Sun 14 Jul

(4)   Incorporating Modern GIS into curriculum SIG:    SUN 14 JUL 11:30AM – 12:30PM:  Grand Ballroom 1 Slides are in the gallery.

(5)  Mobile GIS: An Overview   SUN 14 JUL:  1300-1400  Grand Ballroom 5  Technical Session:  Slides in gallery.

(6)   Capturing Field Data with ArcGIS   SUN 14 JUL:  1430-1530  Grand Ballroom 13:  instructor led hands on     Slides are in the gallery.

(7)  1600-1700 Business GIS Education SIG:  Grand Ballroom 1   shared to gallery.

Big Esri Banner

Big Esri Banner: Joseph Kerski welcomes you!