I am promoting GIS and Spatial Thinking at the 2016 Montana MAGIP GIS conference in the following ways. See each presentation to be “virtually” there.
- My education presentation on Sleepwalking into the Future: A World Without Spatial Thinking.
- My education panel presentation and discussion on Benefits, Challenges, and Trends in GIS in education: https://sway.com/kxXDnbvfZgnDkoE8
- My keynote address on The Age of Geotechnologies? Five Converging Forces: http://denverro.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=69646d1c86d349d6ba708a7946175ad5
- My hands-on workshop on Storymaps: What they are, why to use them, and how to create, modify, and embed them.
- My hands-on workshop on Spatial Analysis in ArcGIS Online, including styling, classifying, filtering, calculating statistics, map overlay, enrichment, and more.
Joseph Kerski in Montana. Big Skies, Great People using GIS to make a positive difference in the state and beyond!